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South-East National Qualifiers results!
Our Young acrobats competed at the South-East National qualifiers over the weekend, and all performed their best routines to impress the judges.
A staggering 12 partnerships have qualified for the National finals later this year, a huge achievement for this gymnasts.
Congratulations to everyone on a very successful competition.
Gold Medallists & National Finalists
Izzy & Esme IDP 1 WP
Harry & Tommy G5 MP
Aimee & Liala G5 WP
Luke & Ashton Aspire MP
Preston & Theo G1 MP
Emma, Emily & Mia G4 WG
Amelia & Lottie G4 WP
David & Rio G4 MxP
Huxley & Imogen G3 MxP
Daisy & Lena G3 WP
Eliza, Isabelle & Mary G3 WG
Euan & Josh G3 MP
Silver Medallists
Alice & Sabrina G2 WP
Poppy & Maia G4 WP
Joel & Dillon G3 MP
Bronze Medallists
Tallie, Ava & Coco G5 WG
Matilda & Lily G3 WP
Matylda, Ciara & Mia ASPIRE WG
Poppy & Alex G4 WP 5th
Out of age results:
Gold Medallists
Reuben & Zach G2 OOA MP
Ruby & Lily G2 OOA WP
Felix & Cristina G1 OOA MxP
James, Tommy & Sam G2 OOA MxT
Silver Medallists
Indi, Mihaela & Ilsa G2 OOA WG
Isaac & Toby G2 OOA MP
Lia & Freya G1 OOA WP
Bronze Medallists
Anabelle & Noemy G1 OOA WP
Poppy, Rosie & Willow G2 OOA WG
Imogen, Indie & Felicity G2 OOA WG 5th