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Pat Wade Classic 2025- Results
Our Elite acrobats showcased their talents at the Pat Wade Classic this past weekend. This marked their first competition of the year, and for some, it was their debut since joining the Elite Squad.
The weekend kicked off with our IDP 1 competitors, who dazzled the audience with their new routines and skills.
Our more seasoned acrobats wrapped up the event with an impressive collection of medals, demonstrating why Spelthorne ranks among the top clubs in the country.
A special shout-out to Harry and Emily for achieving the highest score of the entire competition with their combined routine, earning an outstanding 28.42!
1st place Oskar & Eva IDP 1 MxP
1st place Amelia & Felicity IDP 1 WP
1st place Abi, Anya & Darcie IDP 1 WG
1st place Harry & Diyan IDP 1 MP
3rd place Ethan & Faris IDP 1 MP
Harry & Emily Junior MxP
1st Balance
1st Dynamic
1st Overall
Gemma, Lexie & Sophie Junior WG
1st Balance
1st Dynamic
1st Overall
Olivia, Isabel & Dollie Senior WG
2nd Balance
1st Dynamic
1st Overall
Abi & Evie Junior WP
2nd Balance
2nd Dynamic
2nd Overall
Henry, Joe, Morris & Lucas Youth MG
1st place Overall