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We hope you are all enjoying the sunshine and the weekend..?
We definitely are, our Saturday was spent at Shepperton Village Fair (more on that to come.. along with Alan Pascoe’s Garden Event last weekend).
As part of the Spelthorne Blog, we love to bring you all the events, news and competitions throughout the year.. but we also like it when you contribute. So how better than by sharing the love that you send in? Today we received a lovely email from Frankie-Jayne and Rebecca Freeman so we thought we would share it with you?
If you wish to be featured send in any goodness to
Frankie-Jayne ” I am over the moon that I made it into the Mini Squad! All my hard work has paid off, at the age of 4 I think this is amazing!
I’m super excited to get started as I’m crazy and love being thrown around 🙂 “
Rebecca Freeman“A big thank you to all of the Spelthorne coaches for selecting my baby girl. She is so passionate about gymnastics and I’m sure she’ll go far under all of yours watch! “
Thank you for the lovely email and we wish Frankie-Jayne all the success in the Mini Squad.