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Gymnastics for some is not just a hobby, but if chosen it can be a career, or at least a path to a future career. Many of our gymnasts go on to be helpers within the club or within the sport, but some take it further and gain coaching qualifications. There are so many options within the sport when you have the fundamentals, and two of our ex-gymnasts (now assistant coaches) have been given a fantastic opportunity to develop their learning through a gymnastics apprenticeship.
“The main aim of the programme is to provide both clubs and individuals with the opportunity of full time careers in the sport, and to continue developing high quality coaching and club operations. Over the course of the year, apprentices will undertake long distance learning with regular visits from assessors in their workplace, alongside two practical and theory based residentials at Lilleshall National Sport Centre.”
We are very excited that two of our assistants were picked for this exciting opportunity, Erica Miller and Filicia Malins both have many years of experience within gymnastics, starting out as young gymnasts and going on to earn many titles and medals. They now have the opportunity to gain their level 1 coaching qualification through a specialised training programme. A great in depth way to learn on the job.. at both our fantastic training facility, (a familiar setting for them with gymnasts they already coach) and also at another fab facility Lilleshall National Sport Centre with other like-minded individuals.
The girls have already had their induction day at Lilleshall at the beginning of the summer, and in September will immerse fully into the programme. Erica and Filicia will work towards their level 1 coaching qualification whilst undertaking the full time teaching programme. It will combine online teaching, residentials, coaching in the gym and then finally the examination.
We will be following the girls progress throughout the year and letting you know ways you can get involved in a sporting career.
Good Luck girls, we are very happy to have you both represent Spelthorne on this programme.
If you wish to find out more about the programme click here.